Tree Felling

Cogar Right of Way Clearing has a very experienced and trained team of saw hands. Supervision of these saw crews have an experienced background in the logging industry and are certified loggers through the state of West Virginia and have been through Soren Eriksson’s Game of Logging. Cogar has hand cut many miles of row and is very familiar with cutting and time frames do to the endangered species that affect cutting times. Although hand cutting has proven to be one of the most hazordous jobs out there Cogar has not only created but maintained a very respectable safety record through ISN with all their clients. Cogar has had some very strenuous cutting schedules but all have been completed safely and on time.


Mechanical Clearing

Cogar Right of Way Clearing owns a large variety of equipment used in the clearing business and has access to renting more if needed to complete the job. Some of the equipment that is available are Feller Bunchers used in mechanically felling timber, excavators with rotobec heads used in topping trees and staking brush and logs, tracked chippers to chip brush, tracked stumpers to grind stumps, mulchers for grinding left over debris from chippers, and dozers for grading the row and winching when needed.

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Weather Conditions and Terrain

Cogar Right of Way Clearing has worked in many different climate and conditions. From the hot and humid days of summer to the frigid -20 degree days of winter. Cogar also has a very experienced crew of operators for working in the very rugged and steep terrain like found in West Virginia. Cogar has done many jobs where winching the equipment has been required.



Cogar Right of Way Clearing is equipped with their own fleet of trucks when it comes to moving equipment from job to job or simply moving around on a job. Cogar is also equipped with several chip trailers to haul chips off site and remove as well as off road vehicles used when there is limited access to remove chips. Cogar also has several dump trucks for hauling stone or also used to haul chips when removing from the row. Cogar has multiple loader trucks used for hauling timber mats or moving logs. Cogar is also equipped with bucket trucks that are used for cutting hazardous trees when equipment can’t be used to cut them.


Timber Consulting

Cogar Right of Way Clearing has a WV licensed forester to do timber appraisals and brokering logs.
